Who We Are
First and foremost, we are a community united by our desire for redemption by and restoration to The Most High through the Second Exodus, in accordance with Prophecy.
We are a small but growing group of individuals devoted to The Most High in Spirit and in Truth. As a result, we do not adhere to the tenets of Abrahamic religions as these have been corrupted by colonialism.
What we do follow is The Most High and Prophecy, which we wait upon the fulfilment of. We do not accept the one called ‘Jesus’ as Ha Mashiach because the designating authority was faulty.
Neither the Prophets or The Most High were involved with that decision and Christian apologetics do not refute this. Therefore we reject the belief as inauthentic and, due to prophecy, improbable.
Since we know the True Mashiach is yet to be revealed, we depend upon The Most High in all things. We do not rely upon the Catholic new testament or any Christian dogma derived from it.
We are wholly, totally and only devoted to The Most High, as we should have been, before diaspora, before colonization, and before the Christianization of the world by interpreters who were usurpers.
Any who are ready to commit themselves to The Most High as we do may join our ranks. As it is written ‘Only a remnant shall be saved’. Our aim is to be part of that. Returning to The Most High is The Way.
If The Truth shall set us free, the lie is why we’re still in chains.