
Donate ✩

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Why give?

As a fulfilling requirement for Peace On Earth, part of our mission is the Hebrew Nation Restoration Project. The faster we are able to complete this project, the sooner we Hebrews can be Gathered Home.

Get started

Your Donation is greatly appreciated. It accelerates the day the 2nd Exodus can begin!

All donations go towards the Peace On Earth Movement and the Hebrew Nation Restoration Project.

Giving FAQs

  • It is added to a collective 'pot' from which all expensed incurred by the Hebrew Nation Restoration Project and the Peace On Earth Movement are resolved.

  • Yes. All transactions involving HNRP and POEM are available to members for inspection and most major purchases are decided by general consensus.

  • Simply by liking/following P.O.E.M.'s social media accounts, mainly our Facebook page (until transferred) and then sincerely representing the Peace On Earth Movement's principles, as found on its page.